
  1. Symptoms of high estrogen: What is your cue when estrogen is getting too high?

    high estrogen
    By Astersteroids il 25 Mar. 2024
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    In the use of AAS, how to deal with estrogen is a compulsory course. When it comes to estrogen side effects, the first symptom that usually comes to mind is gyno. In fact, gyno is a late symptom of elevated estrogen levels. Before gyno appears, there are many symptoms that remind you that estrogen levels have been elevated and you need to start dealing with estrogen side effects.
    When these symptoms occur, it is time to start dealing with estrogen side effects.
    Sensitive nips
    Gyno symptoms do not appear suddenly. Some people worry too much about gyno symptoms and start dealing with estrogen early, a condition that has the potential to drop estrogen levels too low, and low estrogen levels can have corresponding symptoms and affect their health. When you use AAS in the process, there are sensitive nips, nips itching or hardening, indicating that estrogen levels is too high, at this time to deal with estrogen, will not develop to gyno.
    Sleeping trouble
    Sleep trouble is a common symptom of high estrogen and includes frequent waking during the night, insomnia, hot flashes, cold sweats and other symptoms. These symptoms are a warning to keep an eye on your estrogen levels.
    Soft or No morning wood
    High levels of estrogen can affect your sex drive, and low levels of estrogen can also give you low libido, even if you have high testosterone levels. So when you suddenly don't feel so good, it may be because you've messed up your hormone levels.
    Too many androgens can cause acne, as can high levels of estrogen. Estrogen acne is the cystic kind that is huge and can't pop usually.
    Face bloating and Body bloat
    Bloating face is also called Moon face, you may have a round, swollen face, which is the effect of high estrogen. High estrogen levels are reflected in the body, which can make the whole person look very bloated. When you use AI(aromatase inhibitors - anti-estrogen), you will find that you are thinner because the water weight is gone.
    If you are Easy getting weepy during pharmaceutical commercials or rom-coms, that's not a good thing. For an AAS user, this means your estrogen levels are too high, and it makes you are easily emotional.
    Anxiety is a form of emotional anxiety, a hormone that controls a person's mood and behavior. When you experience an emotion that is not normal for you, you need to consider what external factors are causing the result. One manifestation of high estrogen levels is anxiety.
    If you are becoming paranoid for no reason while using AAS, it may not be a mental problem, but an emotional one.
    Brain fog
    Brain fog often manifests itself in mental exhaustion and an inability to concentrate. brain fog can be caused by a variety of factors, but both low and high estrogen levels can lead to confusion and some brain fog symptoms.
    When bodybuilders start to experience one or more of these symptoms while using AAS, you need to be concerned about your est...

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    Last Post by Astersteroids il 25 Mar. 2024
  2. AI(Aromatase inhibitors):Which is the best anti-estrogen to take on a steroid cycle

    Aromatase inhibitors
    By Astersteroids il 22 Mar. 2024
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    The three most commonly used AI are letrozol, arimidex and exemestan, which AI should I choose when I want to block the effects of estrogen.
    Which one lowers more estrogen
    If the purpose is to block the effect of estrogen, then which AI can reduce the level of estrogen to a greater extent, then it is better, right?
    Let's look at how these three AI reduce estrogen levels. Studies have shown that Letrozol can reduce estrogen levels by 98 percent. arimidex can reduce estrogen levels by 50-60%, a percentage that accumulates if used consistently. Exemestan can reduce estrogen levels by 58±21%.
    From the above data, letrozol is the more effective one. So letrozol was the first choice of the three AI, right? The answer is not so. Let's keep looking down.
    Different object
    Although all are used to reduce estrogen levels, the three AI's target objects are different. The target of letrozol and arimidex is the estrogens transformed by aromatase, while the target of exemestan is aromatase and all estrogens attached to aromatase.
    Aromatase converts testosterone into estrogen, and excess estrogen accumulation produces corresponding estrogen side effects. Letrozol and arimidex do not act on the aromatase and bind to the estrogen converted by the aromatase, so that this part of the estrogen cannot work. Exemestan differs from them in that it directly interacts with aromatase, killing the aromatase as well as the estrogens attached to the aromatase.
    Their different ways of acting make them a clear difference after use: at the end of the cycle, AI stops using, and the estrogen accumulated during this period is suddenly released, estrogen levels surge, and high estrogen symptoms are more likely to occur. Unlike using exemestan, which kills the aromatase, even after stopping using exemestan at the end of the cycle, it takes some time for the body to recover the original aromatase levels, so your estrogen levels will always be low.
    From this perspective, it is clearly better for exemestan to lower estrogen levels. So, should you choose exemestan? Let's keep looking down.
    Role of estrogen
    Is lower estrogen the better? Not really. Estrogen levels have an impact on libido, mood, skin quality, hair, nails, bone health and more. Low estrogen levels can lead to stiff joints, loss of sex drive, drowsiness and more. So it's not about lowering estrogen levels as low as possible.
    So, of the three AI's, the one most commonly used to reduce estrogen levels during the cycle is arimidex, especially for novices. For the experienced, of course, there are other options, such as exemestan. Although it kills aromatase, it lowers estrogen levels by 58±21% and also increases total and free testosterone levels, making it a good option for bodybuilders to gain muscle mass if they can control ...

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    Last Post by Astersteroids il 22 Mar. 2024
  3. How to select the AAS injection site?

    AAS injection site
    By Astersteroids il 21 Mar. 2024
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    Most AAS are used injectable, and there are many sites available for injection, which are the specific ones, which is our topic today.
    The usual injection sites
    The commonly used AAS injection sites are Thigh(quads),Delts,hip and gluteus. These location targets are larger, large muscles are usually found in these areas, and if people choose these locations to inject, it will be easier to find a place. At the same time, because these areas usually have more muscle and less adipose tissue, when AAS is injected, it is easier to inject into the muscle than into the fat. There are more aromatase in fat than in muscle, so injecting in these locations will correspondingly reduce the probability of contact with the aromatase. And, bodybuilders use AAS with the goal of increasing muscle mass, injecting it into the corresponding muscles to help build muscle mass more targeted.
    This is the one in the thigh, located between the lateral and rectus femoris muscles, making up the so-called muscular quadriceps (quads). This is the easiest place to inject when self-injecting and is therefore the most commonly used injection location.
    The injection site is on the upper arm, under the shoulder. To find this injection site, you need to find the bone at the top of your arm where it meets your shoulder and inject it about 2 inches below that point. Note that the injection is in the center of the muscle where the thickest muscle is. This injection position is more difficult than the previous site, and you may need help.
    Also known as the ventrogluteal muscle, it is located near the buttocks. It is a large muscle, relatively easy to find, and it is far away from vulnerable nerves, such as the sciatic nerve. More suitable for injection. However, because it is on the back of the person, it is not easy for individuals to find the location when injecting.
    Also known as the dorsogluteal muscle, it is a large muscle located in the buttocks and is one of the largest muscles in the body. Therefore, although it is located on the back of the body, it is very easy to find and very popular with injectors. But with intramuscular injections, this position is risky. Because there are major blood vessels and nerves, including the sciatic nerve.
    The best place to inject
    Of these four injection sites, which is the most common used?
    From the perspective of safety and convenience, the best injection location should be thigh(quads). In fact, people choose all these four injection sites. Gluteus may seem like a dangerous place to inject, but in fact, gluteus has a very large number of people who choose to inject AAS. Especially in the AAS injection process, which requires frequent changes of injection locations, Gluteus is really a big target.
    No matter which location you choose to inject, at the beginning, you will experie...

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    Last Post by Astersteroids il 21 Mar. 2024
  4. How to deal with Gyno cause by AAS use

    Gyno deal
    By Astersteroids il 20 Mar. 2024
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    Handling estrogen is an essential lesson in the use of AAS. Gyno is the result of the accumulation of excess estrogen. What should I do if I have gyno symptoms? In the treatment of gyno, there are three processes, namely gyno prevention, gyno flare-up and gyno reversal. These three cases are described in detail below.
    Gyno prophylaxis
    Gyno formation is due to the accumulation of estrogen, so preventing estrogen levels in advance and preventing them from rising above normal levels can prevent gyno formation.
    During the use of AAS, the source of estrogen in the body is mostly androgens. The key factor that converts androgens into estrogen is aromatase. Aromatase works by aromatizing testosterone molecules and converting them into estrogen. Therefore, the key to preventing gyno is estrogen and aromatase.
    By controlling the conversion of testosterone to estrogen by aromatase, you can block the production of estrogen, thereby avoiding the occurrence of estrogen beyond normal levels and producing gyno symptoms. This is how Exemestan(Aromasin) works. Aromasin directly destroys the aromatase and kills the estrogen attached to the aromatase, avoiding the production of estrogen at the root.
    Another way to prevent the effect of estrogen is to occupy the estrogen receptors in the body, so that the estrogen produced by the body cannot bind to the estrogen receptors, thus blocking the effect of estrogen. This is how Arimidex and Letrozol work.
    Gyno flare-up
    If AAS used in the cycle will produce a large amount of estrogen, and it is not well prevented in advance, resulting in long-term estrogen control, and the initial symptoms of gyno such as nipple swelling, pain or itching begin to appear, it is the gyno flare-up stage. This indicates that you are not using enough anti-estrogen (AI) dose and need to increase the dose of AI. SERM is also added as a treatment.
    Serms (selective estrogen receptor modulators) also bind to estrogen receptors to block the effect of estrogen and avoid the occurrence of gyno. They are mostly used in PCTS. Common SERMs are Tamoxifen(Nolvadex), Reloxifene and Clomiphene.
    Because AI Arimidex affects the use of Arimidex when used with SERM Nolvadex, Reloxifene can replace Nolvadex when AI is used with SERM.
    Gyno Reversal
    The Gyno reversal stage means that gyno symptoms have developed, and at this stage, surgery is usually required. If your gyno development comes from the use of AAS, SERM can also be used therapeutically in most cases. When SERM is used to treat gyno reversal, Tamoxifen is not usually suitable, tamoxifen is usually used for PCT, not gyno flare-up or gyno reversal. SERM reloxifene is often used to treat gyno reversal, along with the addition of Cabergoline.
    Last Post by Astersteroids il 20 Mar. 2024
  5. Some weight loss tips for your information

    weight loss
    By Astersteroids il 19 Mar. 2024
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    No matter what age you are, once you talk about weight loss, there is always a lot of resonance, especially among women. Here are some weight loss tips for your information if you are interested in it.
    Make a weight loss plan
    After making up your mind to lose weight, just relying on the consciousness to keep telling yourself to eat less, to eat healthy things, or to exercise more, and in actual life, can not pay action, or occasionally act once, is basically not practical significance. In the long run, it will also bring psychological suggestions to yourself: Clearly already paying attention, why did you not lose weight? Create anxiety for yourself. Only reasonable planning and strict implementation can produce practical significance.
    Make your own weight loss plan, such as how many calories you eat each day and how much exercise you do. Buy a weight scale and a scale in grams to measure the food intake. Make a small chart of the number of calories you eat each time, and you will know how many calories you can eat for the rest of the day to reach your goal. If you end up eating fewer calories than you planned, that’s a good thing. For exercise, you don’t need to do much exercise if your goal is just to lose weight and not gain muscle. Proper exercise can keep you healthy during weight loss, walking is the easiest exercise, in fact, if you stick to walking 30-45 minutes a day, also help to lose weight.
    Choose the right foods
    Eat more foods rich in protein and fiber, fruits, vegetables, protein and fat are all good foods, eating these can be a good aid to weight loss. Try to eat staples like chicken and roasted vegetables, salmon + broccoli, lentil soup, etc. When the main food has fed your stomach, you will not be so easily attracted to snacks. Snacks are more about texture, and more often than not, they can be delicious and cause you to consume too many calories without realizing it.
    No liquid calories. It can make you drink too many calories without even realizing it.
    Sauces are needless calories. sauces like ketchup.
    You can replace butter or oil in cakes and cookies with can pumpkin
    Don’t be anxiety
    In fact, believe it or not, being in a good mood also contributes to weight loss. When you’re stressed out, your body is more likely to store fat. Also, stressful situations can make you crave high-fat foods. Some strategies to reduce stress include getting enough sleep, exercising moderately, being in nature, and doing things you enjoy.
    Sleep is also a tips to weight loss. Maintaining normal sleep duration and sleep quality will reduce the body’s production of hunger hormones. Ghrelin can make you hungry for simple carbohydrates and junk food, or keep you awake at night. So, getting more sleep can also help you lose weight.
    Last Post by Astersteroids il 19 Mar. 2024
  6. What are the steps to starting a safe anabolic steroid cycle?

    safe steroid cycle
    By Astersteroids il 26 Feb. 2024
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    The appeal of Anabolic steroids to bodybuilders is hard to resist. It brings tremendous muscle mass and strength gains, accelerates the process of bodybuilding, and breaks through the limitations of the body, which is difficult to achieve by relying on exercise alone. If I want to start an anabolic steroid cycle, how do I do it safely and effectively?
    Have a blood test before start
    Before starting the anabolic steroid cycle, having a blood test will help you understand your physical condition, including testosterone levels, estrogen levels, liver health, etc. It is helpful to choose the appropriate type and cycle of anabolic steroid, and also provides a reference standard for the recovery of endogenous testosterone level after the cycle.
    Prepare your gears
    There are many Anabolic steroids, but not all of them are suitable for beginners, and it is important to choose the right Anabolic steroid that suits you. Most male bodybuilders start with testosterone (Test, Test C, Test P, Test E, etc.). Because testosterone is a natural hormone in the body, it can be used for both bulking and cutting. Female bodybuilders basically start with Anavar because it has less androgenic action and is less masculine compared to other AAS.
    We can see that experienced bodybuilders often use more than one AAS in their cycle, and they stack different aas based on different goals. For people who are new to steroids, they should start with an anabolic steroid.
    Develop a training plan accordingly
    The effects of Anabolic steorid in bodybuilding are difficult to achieve with exercise alone, but if you rely on anabolic steorid alone, without a targeted training plan and implementation, you will still be difficult to gain significant muscle mass or strength. Steroids along with hard work to get there.
    Diet is important
    Clean eating is an important lesson in bodybuilding. Calorie intake is also important for bodybuilders, not just for dieters. Too many calories will turn into fat instead of muscle, and too few calories will not be enough to support the energy needed to participate in exercise. At the same time, muscle synthesis requires a large amount of protein/amino acids. Consuming high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals, and maintaining a clean diet are equally important for bodybuilding.
    Handle possible side effects
    During the use of anabolic steroid, some side effects related to androgens may occur, including acne, hair loss, low libido, high libido,gyno(estrogen side effects), edema, liver toxicity and other effects. Knowing the possible side effects of each anabolic steroid in advance will help prevent them in advance and effectively avoid side effects.
    PCT(post-cycle therapy) is an important part of anabolic steroid cycle. No matter which anabolic steroid is used, it belongs to exogenous androgens, and long...

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    Last Post by Astersteroids il 26 Feb. 2024
  7. How to solve Enclomiphene low libido side effects

    By Astersteroids il 23 Feb. 2024
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    Rather than directly using exogenous testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), some men diagnosed with low testosterone levels prefer to try Enclomiphene to help promote the production of endogenous testosterone, thereby increasing their testosterone levels. Compared to TRT, enclomiphene <> brings low libido side effects, so some men have to give up using it.
    How does Enclomiphene increase endogenous testosterone levels
    Enclomiphene is a selective estrogen receptor modulator, acting in the same way as Clomiphene. By antagonizing the effect of estrogen in the pituitary gland, Enclomiphene makes HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis) continue to act positively and stimulate the production of testosterone by testis, thereby increasing the level of autocrine testosterone.
    Enclomiphene cause low libido
    A 40-year-old man who normally felt fine had no obvious symptoms of low testosterone. Influenced by his friend, he also went to test his own testosterone levels, which showed that his Total T was 380 ng/dl and his Free T is 7.3 ng/dl. Tests showed he had low testosterone and he was given 12.5mg of Enclomiphene a day. A month later, his total T had risen to 798ng/dl and his Free T had also increased to 16.4 ng/dl.
    Enclomiphene doubled his testosterone levels, however, in addition to the benefits of high testosterone levels, his libido was greatly suppressed.
    Another 50-year-old male user takes Enclo at a dose of 25mg three times a week to treat low testosterone levels. Enclo does help raise testosterone levels, but sex drive is rarely experienced while Enclo is being used, and can return when the drug is discontinued.
    Another man who used 9.37mg of Enclo a day to treat low testosterone levels also experienced low libido (but still can get hard).
    Why does Enclomiphene inhibit libido compared to Clomid?
    Clomid is equivalent to 38% Zuclomifene (estrogen receptor agonist) and 62% enclomifene (estrogen receptor antagonist). Therefore, Enclomiphene is used to reduce the side effects of estrogen. There are many factors that affect libido, and estrogen levels happen to be one of them.
    Enclomiphene dosage
    The usual Enclomiphene dose is 12.5mg or 25mg per day. However, the recommended dose for most people who have used Enclo is 6.25mg ED. enclomiphene, at a low dose, maintains the function of estrogen without affecting libido. If the libido problem does not improve, the dose may be changed to EOD, or E3D.
    Last Post by Astersteroids il 23 Feb. 2024
  8. Are there zero-calorie foods available for weight loss and what are they?

    zero-calorie foods
    By Astersteroids il 22 Feb. 2024
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    For dieters, calorie control is the easiest and most direct way. However, after you gradually reduce your calorie intake, the feeling of hunger caused by an empty stomach can be unbearable. At this time, you will want to eat something to relieve that uncomfortable feeling, is there zero calorie food to eat ?
    What is zero calorie food?
    Zero calories is just a concept, there is no such thing as zero calorie food. If the calorie content of a food is low enough, the user believes that the calories they consume in the process of eating the food, chewing and digestion, etc. will offset the calories of the food itself, or consume more calories than the calories of the food itself. Therefore, it is called zero calorie food or negative calorie food. We don't know exactly how many calories we burn in our chewing and digestion processes, so it's actually impossible to determine whether the calories in the food we eat will be offset or not. In general, foods with fewer than 5 calories are defined as zero-calorie foods.
    Are there recommended zero calorie foods?
    Based on the above definition, people have found some foods with lower calories to be used as leisure time snacks or fat reduction meals to help control weight or lose weight.
    Apples are a must-have fruit for dieters. Its high water content and dietary fiber help to produce a feeling of fullness. Dietary fiber can also help slow down digestion and keep you feeling full for longer.
    Broccoli is low in calories and carbohydrates, while rich in essential vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, and is recognized as one of the zero calorie foods. Boiling is the best recipe for cooking, if you add oil or other high-calorie ingredients, it is no longer a low-calorie food.
    Celery is low in calories and carbohydrates, and its high water and fiber content helps you feel full. Celery juice is also a common way to eat celery.
    The calorie of cucumber is very low, the taste is very good, and the way to eat is various, which is loved by people who lose weight.
    Black coffee
    A cup of about 237g black coffee contains about 2.4 calories, it does not contain milk, cream or sugar and other added ingredients, ideal for weight loss people.
    Plain or just salted popcorn is also a low-calorie food that tastes good and provides a good sense of fullness. It can be used as a small snack to ease hunger.
    Zero-calorie foods help dieters create a calorie deficit to control their weight. At the same time, it increases the sense of fullness, which can alleviate the negative emotional impact of hunger caused by the dieters in the process of controlling diet, and help users lose weight better. Even in the process of losing weight with peptides, you need to control your diet, and these zero-calorie foods can help y...

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    Last Post by Astersteroids il 22 Feb. 2024
  9. My weight loss peptide Retatrutide does not not work, what to do?

    By Astersteroids il 21 Feb. 2024
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    As one of the latest weight loss peptides, Retatrutide's triple receptor activation has attracted the attention of many Semaglutide users and Tirzpatide users. At the same time, like Semaglutide, it acts on GLP-1 receptors, and like Tirzpatide, it acts on GLP-1 receptors and GIP receptors. As a result, users tend to experience fewer side effects when they switch to Retatrutide, which leads to more people starting to use Retatutide to lose weight. However, many people find that Retatrutide does not seem to work after switching to it, what is the reason for this and what should be done?
    Real Retatrutide
    First of all, you need to make sure that what you buy is real Retatrutide. As a new product, Retatrutide has a large audience. Some suppliers may not be in stock and sell other weight loss peptides as Retatrutide for money. This is not just a hypothetical question, several people who have bought Reta from us have reported having been cheated before. Astersteroids sells real Retatrutide with 100% guaranteed quality.
    There are also people who buy Reta, it is the real Reta, but after using it, you can not see the obvious effect. It was later found that the purity of the product was not enough, it contained Reta, and also contained other things. Astersteroids sells Retatrutide with a guarantee of quality and purity.
    Dose accumulation
    Secondly, the use of Reta has a cumulative process in the body and does not work as soon as it enters the body. Some users didn't feel the effects until two weeks later, and others didn't feel the effects until three weeks later. A GLP-1 dose accumulation formula has also been developed to calculate the accumulation of drugs in the body, and interested users can try it.
    The effectiveness of Retatrutide is also related to its half-life. The half-life of Reta is about 6 days, and we usually choose to inject it once a week. In order to achieve better results, user will divide the weekly dose into two injections. This method increases the frequency of use, but in principle it will obtain a more stable Reta concentration to achieve a better useful effect.
    Individual constitution
    Finally, the actual use effect is related to the individual physique. Semaglutide and Tirzpatide have helped many people lose weight successfully, however, some people report no results after using them, which is individual. In fact, no one has reported that Retatrutide has no effect on them at all.
    To sum up, if you find that your weight loss peptide Retatrutide has no effect after use, you first need to rule out whether you have got real Reta, after making sure that you are using real Reta, you need to be patient and wait for it to work, basically Reta can help everyone lose weight.
    Last Post by Astersteroids il 21 Feb. 2024
  10. Do I need to maintain the frequency of testosterone injections once a day?

    testosterone frequency
    By Astersteroids il 20 Feb. 2024
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    When testosterone or testosterone esters are used, the frequency of injection is usually related to their half-life. If the corresponding ester has a shorter half-life, the injection frequency will be higher. If it corresponds to a long ester, the corresponding injection frequency is lower. Some people pursue daily injections in the belief that they can achieve more stable testosterone levels. Is it necessary?
    Relationship between half-life and injection frequency
    The half-life is the time it takes for the concentration of testosterone or testosterone ester to drop to half of the initial dose after it enters the body. A half-life is usually when the concentration of drugs in the body is at its highest. Therefore, in order to maintain the maximum concentration of testosterone in the body, the next injection of quasi-testosterone is usually started at the time of the first half-life to maintain the stability of testosterone levels in the body.
    It is important for bodybuilders to strictly adhere to the half-life injection. Stable testosterone levels help bodybuilders stay active and have enough energy to engage in exercise. For TRT, because the body's testosterone levels fluctuate greatly, from 300 to 1000ng/dL is a large range, therefore, once a week or once every two weeks injection can maintain basic testosterone levels.
    Does the frequency of injection affect the effectiveness of use?
    For TRT, many people say that if they get an injection every two weeks, they may feel more tired during the last part of the second week. When changed to weekly injections, it can be a good relief from fatigue. People with TRT need continuous injections over a long period of time, so they are not inclined to increase the frequency of injections because that would bring more work.
    For bodybuilders, they rarely choose to give a second dose a few days after the half-life has passed, so if they follow the half-life to determine the frequency of injection, there is little impact on the effectiveness of use. For a while, testosterone users pursued higher injection frequency, believing that it would lead to better results. If their weekly dose is 600mg, they can inject 600mg once a week, or they can be divided into two weekly injections of 300mg, or they can be divided into three weekly injections of 200mg, and some people pursue daily injections, thinking that they can get more stable testosterone levels. Is it necessary?
    A frequency of injections based on the half-life gives you a relatively stable testosterone level. Some people think that daily injections can better simulate the level of natural testosterone, which is actually more equivalent to a psychological comfort. We're already using exogenous testosterone, which is testosterone with esters, which is inherently different from endogenous testosterone. E...

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    Last Post by Astersteroids il 20 Feb. 2024
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