
  1. Injecting testosterone to build muscle may have these effects, they say

    By Astersteroids il 19 Feb. 2024
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    Testosterone is the basis of all anabolic steroids. When bodybuilders start the steroids cycle, testosterone is usually the first thing they consider, which can help build muscle quickly and reduce fat, improving boybuilders' exercise ability. When bodyuilders use testosterone to build muslce, what are the other effects? Let's take a look at what testosterone users have to say.
    Relieve social anxiety and increase self-confidence
    “My anxiety has reduced a ton in social situations. I’m able to relax and completely unaware of how people perceive me anymore. My partner was like...when did you turn into such a chill cool guy?”
    “Same here I went from extremely mentally unstable and even suicidal to MUCH happier, more confident, higher energy within just a couple months.”
    Hair loss may occur, but body hair may increase
    “I thought ‘I’m hairy as is. It can’t get much worse’. It got worse.”
    “I had to trim my thigh hair with clippers.”
    Hot flash
    “Menopause lol. Hot flashes aren’t fun but it’s temporary”
    “My endocrinologist told me this was a symptom actually haha, but it isn’t permanent. She told me that it usually comes back when you go off of Testosterone though. ”
    Increase libido
    “Libido, went from getting off 1-2 times a week to 1-2 times a day.”
    Muffled voice
    “With the singing, it took me 6-7 months to really start singing again because my voice was changing too rapidly to sing without sounding horrible. As it’s settled I’ve found I don’t have the same tone and stuff as I did before, but almost like a completely new voice. Just give it some more time.”
    Sweat easily
    “No more hot showers, less resistance to hot weather and sweating all over my body when i’m exerting myself was a surprise to me.”
    Muscles get stiff if you don't exercise
    “It will make you bulk up muscles even if you don’t work out, but you need to stretch like you are going to exercise every day otherwise you can get stiff and uncomfortable.”
    “Stretching is super important. I had been wondering for a while why I was always so stiff and then I read a post here about someone experiencing stiffness on Testosterone, it all made sense.”
    Increased appetite
    “You will want to eat the entire house lol.”
    “The fridge tempts me in ways I never experienced before. And I have no idea whether to listen to the urge to eat everything or resist it.”
    Knowing the possible effects of testosterone in advance can help you prepare for entering the cycle in advance, and don't panic if you encounter these conditions in the cycle, many symptoms will ease over time, if a certain symptom has affected your daily life, please seek medical help in time.
    Last Post by Astersteroids il 19 Feb. 2024
  2. Whether Retatrutide causes headaches and migraines in women
    Women make up a large proportion of Retatrutide's users. There has been a lot of concern about whether Retatrutide causes headaches or migraines in women.

    By Astersteroids il 29 Jan. 2024
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    Women make up a large proportion of Retatrutide's users. There has been a lot of concern about whether Retatrutide causes headaches or migraines in women. Today I have put together a summary of this problem, and I hope it will be helpful to you.
    Common female headache
    Common causes of headache include excessive drinking, lack of sleep, excessive stress, and underlying diseases. For women, the most common cause of headache is related to hormone levels. Estrogen and progesterone play a key role in menstruation and pregnancy, but when their levels fluctuate, they can cause headaches in some people. During menstruation, women experience changes in hormone levels, and as a result, many women experience headaches during menstruation (early, middle, late). Headache symptoms improve when hormone levels stabilize.
    So, do these women get headaches/migraines from using Retatrutide?
    Does Retatrutide cause headaches/migraines in women?
    As to whether Retatrutide causes headaches/migraines, we can first listen to what users has to say.
    “I have chronic migraines. It hasn’t triggered migraines for me, thank goodness but I am getting dehydration headaches way faster than normal. ”
    “I have chronic migraines from a TBI I suffered as a child. Retatrutide does not trigger them at all. I have not suffered an abnormal migraine since starting Retatrutide several weeks ago.”
    “I rarely have migraines, unlike my friend that gets one wigh the start of her cycle literally every month. However, I woke with a migraine today and my cycle just started, so it could be a coincidence, but I’m on week 3 of Retatrutide.”
    As can be seen from their experiences, Retatrutide does not cause headaches/migraines in women. In the process of using Retatrutide, headache problems occurred, mostly related to electrolytes.
    Headaches from electrolytes
    When using Retatrutide, because dehydration is faster than usual, if you do not pay attention to water and electrolytes, you will experience headaches. Make sure to drink enough water every day and replenish your electrolytes, and your headaches will be relieved.
    Therefore, women using Retatrutide to lose weight will not induce migraines, and the headache symptoms it causes are basically caused by dehydration. Keep your fluids and electrolytes balanced so you don't get headaches.
    Last Post by Astersteroids il 29 Jan. 2024
  3. Initial dose of Retatrutide: When switching from Tirzepatide to Retatrutide?
    Retatrutide is the latest weight-loss drug, and many people may have been using other weight-loss peptides, such as Semaglutide and Tirzepatide, before discovering it.

    By Astersteroids il 26 Jan. 2024
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    Retatrutide is the latest weight-loss drug, and many people may have been using other weight-loss peptides, such as Semaglutide and Tirzepatide, before discovering it. What dose should I start with if I switch from other weight loss peptides to Retatrutide, and will the starting dose still be the minimum?
    Dose range of Retatrutide
    The Phase II clinical trail dose range for Retatrutide is 1mg, 4mg, 8mg, and 12mg. The doses of Phase III clinical trail are 2mg, 4mg, 6mg,9mg, and 12mg. Therefore, the standard dose of Retatrutide should start at 2mg per week and the maximum dose should not exceed 12mg per week.
    When people first use peptides to lose weight, the principle of peptide use is to start with an initial dose of 2mg and then gradually increase the dose depending on drug tolerance and actual use effect. Retatrutide 2mg is a safe dose and was well tolerated when used in the experiment, so choosing a 2mg weekly dose is a very safe dose. Then increase to your target dose, such as 6mg,8mg, etc., up to 12mg per week.
    In the phase II clinical trail, there is another data with reference significance, that is, the target dose. When the target dose is 4mg, the starting dose can be 2mg and 4mg respectively, and when the starting dose is 4mg per week, the weight loss effect is better after 36m weeks. When the target dose was 8mg per week, the starter dose was 2mg and 4mg, respectively, showing similar weight loss after 36 weeks. This data suggests that the most stable starting dose should be 2mg per week, or 4mg if your target dose is larger.
    If you are already using Tirzepatide, what is the starting dose when switching to Retatrutide?
    In the clinical trail, there is no relevant data. What you can see so far is some user experience data.
    A user who switched from Tirzepatide 10mg to Retatrutide 5mg reported no side effects other than a little irritating effect and good weight loss.
    Another user switched from Tirzepatide 15mg to Retatrutide 4mg with no side effects but no significant weight loss and will be followed up with a weekly dose of 8mg Retatrutide.
    There are also users who switched from Tirzepatide 7mg to Retatrutide 4mg and lost weight very quickly, but experienced some head-passing side effects. (Headache side effects may be related to electrolyte imbalance, which should be replaced during the use of weight loss peptides such as Retatrutide.)
    We can see that after using Tirzepatide and then Retatrutide, people tend to start with 4mg. Therefore, as a reference, a starting dose of Tirzepatide starting at 4mg and then increasing as needed would be a good choice. Of course, it is still more stable and safer to start with 2mg per week and gradually increase the dose.
    Last Post by Astersteroids il 26 Jan. 2024
  4. Elevated liver ALT and AST were found during the administration of exogenous testosterone. What is the cause?
    One of my friends used Test E to increase his testosterone level to build muscle mass. After a cycle, he have had a blood test and found both his ALT and AST levels are raised.

    By Astersteroids il 25 Jan. 2024
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    One of my friends used Test E to increase his testosterone level to build muscle mass. After a cycle, he have had a blood test and found both his ALT and AST levels are raised. He is quite worry about it and concerned if the exogenous testosterone is responsible for this phenomenon. In response to his problem, we consulted a number of professional users, and they told us several possible reasons.
    First, his ALT and AST levels were respectively 137 U/L and 64U/L, ref <50, on the high side, but not very high. It may be because he is just starting to use exogenous testosterone, and his body is still adjusting. Test E will cause a temporary increase in liver enzyme levels, but it will not have a major impact on the human body, and will gradually return to normal as the body ADAPTS to Test E. This is obviously what happens when people use drugs. Most drugs are metabolized by the liver after entering the body, temporarily affecting the value of some liver enzymes, and the symptoms will disappear over time or when the drug is stopped.
    Another professional wondered if he was infected with the virus. Because he had been in a situation where normally his AST and ALT levels were 22-35, it was found after a blood test that the AST rose to 147 and ALT is 143. He was later diagnosed with streptococcus.
    At this point, someone asked, "Did you exercise intensely before taking the blood test?" "Does exercise affect test results?" "Yes," he said. Strenuous physical activity can cause muscle damage, and broken muscle fibers cause enzymes such as ALT, AST, etc. to be released into the blood stream, resulting in elevated liver enzyme levels in blood test results. Therefore, exercise should be avoided in the 2-3 days before the test. my friend confirmed that he had run long distances and lifted weights before taking the blood test. If it is caused by this reason, then after a full rest, you will find that all the values will return to normal.
    In addition to the above, they also tell us that using other things like AI(aromatase inhibitors), creatine, etc. can cause a temporary increase in liver enzymes. It's not necessarily caused by testosterone. In fact, some AAS do have hepatotoxicity, but the effect of testosterone on the liver is not obvious. However, this is not to say that testosterone does not affect liver enzyme values at all. One user who started using testosterone at a dose of 300mg per week saw his ALT and AST levels rise from 30 to 60. After that, he divided the weekly dose into two doses, and his ALT, AST levels remained around 40.
    Therefore, the elevation of ALT and AST is actually affected by many factors, what we have to do is to do a good blood test, communicate with the doctor and seek professional advice in a timely manner, do not pu...

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    Last Post by Astersteroids il 25 Jan. 2024
  5. Does Clomiphene works in weight loss?
    I have lost 10lb in 5+ weeks(2 lbs per week). When this statement appears in front of your eyes, do you wonder: Clomiphene can lose weight?

    By Astersteroids il 24 Jan. 2024
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    I started clomid in late April. At that time I had lost 55 lbs in 15 weeks(3.7 lbs per week). Since then, I have lost 10lb in 5+ weeks(2 lbs per week). When this statement appears in front of your eyes, do you wonder: Clomiphene can lose weight?
    What does Clomiphene do?
    Clomiphene citrate is a non-steroidal selective estrogen receptor modulator that was approved by the FDA in 1967 to treat fertility problems. By blocking the effects of estrogen on the hypothalamus, Clomiphene promotes the production and release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and folliclestatin (FSH).
    In its scope, Clomifene does not have a weight loss effect, so why do users lose so much weight after using clomifene?
    Continuing to look down and see that the reason why users use Clomid is to increase their testosterone levels.
    I do not know my current T levels. The doc put me on 3 months of Clomid, 25mg/day and I get tested again in mid-July. At that time, I will also get my E tested and go on an E-blocker, if needed. When I'm not on Clomid or something similar, my T levels are very low: 180-220s. I've been on Clomid, and another I can't remember the name of, before and it gets my levels up to normal-ish (400-650). I'm hoping to get my levels to 800+ with help, weight-loss and lifting heavy weights.
    Clomiphene raises testosterone levels
    It's not hard to see how Clomiphene has the ability to raise testosterone levels. How does it do it? In men, the negative feedback regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA) is influenced by estrogen, and by blocking the hypothalamic action of estrogen, the HPTA axis will continue to respond positively, resulting in more testosterone production.
    The weight loss caused by using Clomiphene is actually the result of increased testosterone levels.
    Adults tend to get fatter as they get older; Adult men's testosterone levels gradually decline as they age. It seems that weight gain in adult men is associated with low testosterone levels. While low testosterone does not directly lead to obesity, people with low testosterone do tend to be more likely to gain weight. Using Clomiphene to boost testosterone levels, combined with exercise, makes it easier to lose fat and gain muscle, and the technical word is that testosterone changes the composition of the body.
    So, Clomiphene has no weight loss effect, but people with low testosterone levels who use Clomiphene have fat loss and muscle gain effect.
    Last Post by Astersteroids il 24 Jan. 2024
  6. Losing weight is easy, right?
    Losing weight is a very simple thing. Quit drinking, improve diet, exercise more.

    Losing weight
    By Astersteroids il 23 Jan. 2024
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    Losing weight is a very simple thing. Quit drinking, improve diet, exercise more. It doesn't get any more complicated than that. It’s really no more complicated than that unless you have medical issues or disability. Losing weight can be hard if you can't be strict with yourself.
    Quit drinking
    “Quit drinking alcohol and soda, exercised 30-1hr most days of the week, nothing crazy but just keeping it insistent, and cut portion sizes slightly. Lost 80 lbs last year doing that .Went from 265 down to about 185.”
    People don’t realize how many calories are in alcohol. And it’s no just beer, a shot of vodka has 100 calories in it. Light beer is around the same, and if you want a craft beer, 200-300 calories is pretty common.
    “I’m a little older than the target of the question (45 to be exact), but I lost about 30 lbs in just a few months when I quit drinking."
    Improve diet
    Weight loss is based on Calories in < calories out, therefore, diet control is the most basic.
    Don't fill your calorie needs with Coca-Cola or junk food. Eat healthy, home-cooked meals and get plenty of protein.
    Some people have studied people who eat healthily, but still can't lose weight. Found that they were always eating far more calories than they reported. "I only had a salad today." filled with lumps of cheese and smothered in dressing. "I only ate 500 calories "for dinner" may be true, but there are two 350-calorie snacks and a 500-calorie dessert before the meal.
    When you're trying to lose weight, a tablespoon of oil can make the difference between losing weight or not. One tablespoon of oil has as many calories as 4 cups of broccoli. If you say you only eat broccoli but don't lose weight, it's because it gets thrown into the oil before cooking.
    Exercise more
    Controlling your diet will make you healthier, burn off the calories you consume each day, and prevent excess calories from turning into fat. The more calories you burn, the more weight you lose.
    When we lose weight by dieting alone, we lose fat while retaining muscle mass. With exercise, you can better retain or gain muscle, while losing fat.
    In theory, losing weight is a very simple thing. The basis of weight loss is whether you can stick to the above mentioned. Losing weight is also very difficult. There are always people who cannot be strict with themselves, and give up halfway leading to weight rebound. There are also people who cannot accept losing weight too slowly and pursue fast ways of losing weight. Three popular weight loss peptides (Semaglutide, Tirzepatide, Retatrutide) offer a new way for many obese people to lose weight.
    Last Post by Astersteroids il 23 Jan. 2024
  7. To build muscle with testosterone, should I start with a low dose?
    When bodybuilders try a new supplement, they are usually told to start with the lowest dose to test the body's tolerance and reduce side effects.

    By Astersteroids il 22 Jan. 2024
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    When bodybuilders try a new supplement, they are usually told to start with the lowest dose to test the body's tolerance and reduce side effects. We usually use Peptides follows this principle: start with a low dose and gradually increase to the target dose. Testosterone is the foundation of all AAS and is the first choice for boosting your body's testosterone levels. Use testosterone to build muscle, should i start with a low dose?
    What's the dose of testosterone?
    Studies have shown that 100-125mg of testosterone per week can increase testosterone levels to baseline levels: 500-600ng/dL, and 300-600mg of testosterone per week can increase testosterone levels in users to 1300-2300ng/dL. Testosterone levels in normal adult males range from 300 to 1000ng/dL.
    From these data, we can see that if the user has low levels and wants to raise their testosterone level to the baseline level to get rid of the effects of low testosterone levels, 100-125mg per week is the lowest dose level. If the user wants to use testosterone for muscle building purposes, 300-600mg per week is the lowest testosterone dose.
    Different individuals have different adaptive dosages, and bodybuilders use testosterone to build muscle, usually starting at 500mg per week and ranging from 500 to 700mg per week.
    Should I start with a low dose?
    Before using a new supplement, it is often preferred to start with a low dose to test the body's tolerance and reduce the body's response to the drug. Does this type of drug use apply to testosterone?
    When a person with normal testosterone levels comes to build muscle using testosterone, in addition to androgen side effects, the first consideration is testosterone suppression. How does testosterone inhibition happen? As long as there is exogenous testosterone into the body, the natural testosterone production will be less, and a steady stream of exogenous testosterone into the body, the body's natural testosterone production will be less, and a little less. Testosterone suppression can occur even when small doses of exogenous testosterone are used. However, if the testosterone dose is too small, it will not produce a good muscle building effect.
    For muscle building, a superphysiological dose of testosterone is required, so if the exogenous testosterone level is too low, you can't raise your own testosterone level to the superphysiological level, there is not much effect on muscle building. Therefore, most of the time, the testosterone dose for building muscle starts at 500mg, and too low a dose may not achieve the desired effect. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some individuals are sensitive to testosterone, and the use of 500mg will bring serious side effects, in which case the dose needs to be reduced.
    Last Post by Astersteroids il 22 Jan. 2024
  8. How to boost testosterone levels ? SERM is better than TRT
    many people are trying to get TRT(testosterone replacement therapy). However, in addition to TRT, SERM is also an effective way to boost testosterone levels.

    By Astersteroids il 19 Jan. 2024
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    More and more people are aware of the possible effects of a gradual decline in testosterone levels with age and are looking for ways to boost their testosterone levels. Testosterone supplements are the most established and effective way to boost testosterone, and many people are trying to get TRT(testosterone replacement therapy). However, in addition to TRT, SERM is also an effective way to boost testosterone levels.
    Because the FDA removed TRT from the list of indications to include age-related hypogonadism, this may have caused anxiety in some people about not being able to access a source of testosterone. Actually, there are better ways to boost testosterone than trt.
    Hypogonadism is divided into primary hypogonadism and secondary hypogonadism. Primary hypogonadism is usually caused by testicular injury or dysfunction in patients with low testosterone and high LH(luteinizing hormone) levels. Secondary hypogonadism is usually due to the destruction of the HPTA(hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis), and often patients present with low testosterone levels and low LH levels.
    The decline in testosterone levels associated with increasing age is associated with HPTA and manifests itself in lower LH levels and lower testosterone levels.
    For bodybuilders, it is also due to testosterone suppression that leads to low endogenous testosterone levels and reduced LH secretion.
    Therefore, this group belongs to the lower testosterone levels associated with HPTA. If you choose Trt, supplementing exogenous testosterone to replace the role of endogenous testosterone will further suppress the production of endogenous testosterone. Although the total testosterone level has gone up, none of this testosterone is secreted by the body. Over time, the body will mistakenly believe that it does not need to secrete testosterone to maintain sufficient testosterone levels in the body, resulting in the shutdown of HPTA.
    Using SERM is different. Serms are not androgens, but estrogen receptor modulators. In response to the negative feedback effect of estrogen, the HPTA axis tells the brain to stop secreting LH to stimulate the production of testosterone in the testis. If SERM blocks the action of estrogen on HPTA, it can promote the continuous secretion of testosterone. Therefore, the use of SERM increases the level of testosterone, which is the body's secreted hormone. Not only does this increase testosterone levels, but there is no testosterone suppression due to TRT.
    In summary, if the body is still secreting testosterone normally, although still at a low level, it indicates that your HPTA is still working normally, and using SERM can increase testosterone levels. The commonly used SERM is Clomifene, and Enclomiphene is considered more effective by some users. If you still want to maintain the ability of your testicles to produce t...

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    Last Post by Astersteroids il 19 Jan. 2024
  9. Enclomifene vs Clomifene in PCT, is enclo works better?
    The formula for PCT is Clomid+Nolvadex, where Clomid stimulates the release of endogenous testosterone and Nolvadex eliminates the effects of estrogen.

    By Astersteroids il 18 Jan. 2024
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    The formula for PCT is Clomid+Nolvadex, where Clomid stimulates the release of endogenous testosterone and Nolvadex eliminates the effects of estrogen. However, an experienced bodybuilder would choose Enclomifene over Clomifene, and why?
    What is Enclomifene?
    Enclomifene used by Bodybuilders stands for Enclomifene citrate, or simply enclo. Enclo, like Clomid, is a non-steroidal SERM(selective estrogen receptor modulator). Both work by antagonizing the estrogen receptor in the pituitary gland, reducing the negative feedback effect of estrogen on HPGA(hypothalamic-pituitary-gonad axis), thereby increasing the release of LH(luteinizing hormone) and FSH(Follicle-stimulating hormone), and promoting the production of testosterone.
    Enclo vs clomid
    Enclo is actually one of the two isomers of Clomid. Clomid itself is equivalent to 38% Zuclomifene and 62% enclomifene. Of the two isomers, zuclo is an estrogen receptor agonist and enclo is an estrogen receptor antagonist, and they play opposite roles.
    Since clomid has a half-life of 5 days, enclo has a half-life of about 10 hours, and zuclo has a half-life of 30 days, using Clomid to stimulate the release of testosterone in the daily oral dose is equivalent to stacked zuclo, resulting in zuclo still exerting its estrogen effects after the drug is finally discontinued. Estrogen side effects for users.
    The use of anti-estrogen Nolvadex is to eliminate the estrogen produced by the action of testosterone with aromatase, and when combined with Clomid for pct can eliminate the estrogen effect produced by zuclo.
    enclo is considered to be more effective than clomid in stimulating testosterone release in men because it does not cause estrogen problems when used directly.
    In PCT, boosting testosterone production and eliminating estrogen side effects are usually done at the same time, so there is no problem with using Clomid+Nolvadex. If you only consider the promotion of testosterone production in the testes and the increase of endogenous testosterone levels, Enclomifene is more effective.
    When to choose Enclomifene?
    Enclomifene is still being studied, and Clomifene has long been approved by the FDA and is a market-proven SERM. Enclo is recommended by many people who have actually used it, believing that it works better. That's right, if you don't need to think about dealing with estrogen side effects, choose enclomifene better. You can also choose the general formula: Clomid+Nolvadex.
    Last Post by Astersteroids il 18 Jan. 2024
  10. You shouldn’t use HCG in PCT if it is in your cycle
    HCG can be used in both PCT and cycle, however, it cannot be used in cycle and PCT at the same time. Why? That's our topic for today.

    By Astersteroids il 17 Jan. 2024
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    To understand why HCG can't be used in both cycle and pct, you first need to understand what role it plays in cycle and PCT.
    HCG in cycle and PCT
    When bodybuilders use high levels of AAS to build muscle, large amounts of exogenous AAS trick the brain into thinking that the body already has sufficient levels of testosterone to stop producing GnRH(gonadotropin-releasing hormone), Without GnRH, the pituitary gland stops releasing LH, and testosterone production is dependent on LH stimulation, so high levels of AAS shut down endogenous testosterone production.
    HCG mimics the action of LH(lutein hormone) to promote the production and release of testosterone in the testicles. When use HCG in cycle, hcg helps maintain the ability of the testicles to produce testosterone during the cycle. When use HCG in pct, which is affected by androgen and estrogen levels in the body, LH is not immediately produced and it helps restart the testicles' ability to produce testosterone. Therefore, regardless of whether hcg is used for cycle or PCT, it replaces the role of LH, promotes the production and release of testosterone, and helps maintain endogenous testosterone levels.
    What would happen if I continue using HCG in PCT after using in cycle?
    The main purpose of PCT is to stimulate the testicles to produce testosterone and eliminate the possible side effects of estrogen, both of which can also be prevented during the cycle, the use of HCG during the cycle to maintain endogenous testosterone production, and the use of AI(aromatase inhibitors) to solve the possible effects of estrogen in advance. The separation of building muscle and solving side effects is called "cycle" and "post cycle" in order to separate goals from solving possible side effects of achieving goals. Focus on building muscle in cycle and solve side effects completely in post cycle. Producing while solving may affect the outcome of the cycle.
    Therefore, the post cycle is to completely solve the side effects, because hcg is used in the cycle, if it is still used in the post cycle, it will affect the recovery of the HPTA axis, and the testosterone produced by the testis may not come from GNrH-LH-testosterone, but from the LH analog-testosterone. Therefore, if HCG is used in cycle, there is no need to use it in PCT.
    HCG is precisely for PCT, and bodybuilders choose to use it in cycle for one of the most immediate reasons, to prevent testicular atrophy. Because if the cycle is too long, the production of endogenous testosterone is turned off for a long time, according to the principle of "use or lose", the testicles do not exercise the mission of producing testosterone for a long time, and will gradually degenerate and appear as "smaller". Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the function of the testicles during the cycle to ...

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    Last Post by Astersteroids il 17 Jan. 2024
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